Portable Gym Equipment We’ve all been on task where use of a gym has been limited as you are constantly on the move and living out of a bag. Of course you can always go for a run or do some press ups and situps in your room but it is always good to have something portable with you that can be deployed so you can mix it up a bit. I have had a TRX Tactical Trainer for a number of years which has been great and can be deployed pretty much anywhere - TRX Tactical Trainer - https://store.trxtraining.co.uk I have been seeing some links for some other good options such as - Pocket Monkii 2 - https://monkii.co EZ Bar - https://eztoned.com Any recommendations of portable equipment that others have experience of here would be great?

Posted by Shaun (BBA Team) at 2021-08-03 09:30:45 UTC