How to recover a hacked Facebook Account @smdancer96 recently asked for help recovering a hacked Facebook account. @ben.gunn provided a great response in the comments but I wanted to share it as separate post as it could be useful to others who find themselves in this situation. I’m sharing this so other members can take note. You must, must get AV software onto your PC - no matter what the cost. Your new FB account may be as vulnerable as the old one. This may be of interest and solve your problem: Please check your current gmail account… Note: If the email address associated with your Facebook account has changed, you can reverse this. When an email address is changed, we send a message to the previous email account with a special link. You can click this link to reverse the email address change and secure your account. If you suspect an account was hacked, you can get immediate help by reporting the account here: This link will show you how to lock down the account and teach you how to keep the account safe in the future. This is the best way to get support for your hacked account. Thanks @ben.gunn #hacked #FacebookAccountRecovery

Posted by Jon (BBA Team) at 2021-08-04 12:29:35 UTC