The loss of one of our own -Steve “Geordie” Watson. As this is the British Bodyguard Association I feel this is suitable to be shared. Some in here may have known and been colleagues and friends It is with the deepest regret and shock that I have been informed this morning that a great colleague and friend Steve “Geordie” Watson passed away last night from a heart attack. Steve Watson was genuinely one of the nicest guys I've met in many years, fit, funny, always up for banter whilst being one of the most professional Close Protection Officers I've worked with. We only saw each other a few weeks ago on a task and he was his bright and cheery self. We were looking forward to having you back on our team soon Steve, there will now be a great big hole where you should have been. Rest in Peace my fiend. Stand down Royal, your duty is done. You will never be forgotton!

Posted by Sean C at 2021-08-19 09:41:44 UTC