We have just released the latest episode of the podcast. It's a day later than usual due to our attendance at the International Security Expo. For fans of the live genre, you'll be pleased to hear that @Phelim (BBA Team) went armed with his audio recorder. ...and for those who are less enthusiastic about the sound of seagulls and background chatter, you'll be equally pleased to learn that @Shaun (BBA Team) was the only victim who was unable to evade Phelim and that our main interview with Joe Gehr was safely recorded indoors! This week, the topic is Operating in LATAM where we discuss... - Threat Landscape - An up-to-date overview of the current operating environment. - Cultural sensitivities - what to look out for and how to reduce the friction. - Common threats - What unique challenges do protectors need to know. - The Miami/LatAm corridor - Why Miami should be your first port of call on any LatAm trip. #Podcast #CircuitMagazinePodcast #LATAM

Posted by Jon (BBA Team) at 2021-09-30 13:11:36 UTC