The latest issue of OntheCircuit has dropped and this week we're recognising the positive impact made by the true professionals of our industry, ahead of the small contingent who tarnish the craft but occupy the majority of the column inches. In this industry, being professional typically means shunning the limelight, being the grey man and blending into the shadows. There are some though who have successfully managed to merge the two. This week's podcast guest is one of those. Ivor Terret has had a long and successful career in the industry and in this episode, he discusses the challenges of placing yourself in the spotlight when you're more comfortable in the shadows. Also in this issue: - Hostile Surveillance Detection - Proactive protection - Risk of Xenophobic Violence - South Africa - Tips for Improving Physical Security within Your Organisation + the regular features #OntheCircuit #Newsletter #IvorTerret

Posted by BBA Connect at 2022-01-23 13:51:21 UTC