Why is Physical Penetration Testing so important in the contemporary world It’s no longer a nice to have skill it’s essential in combating a wide range of threats, from unhealthy reliance on technology, criminality, Espionage, insider threats, Terrorism and even waste management (Time,Resources,Products and efficiency) when a trained outsider starts their #penetrationtesting they will look for vulnerabilities and aspects of your #business that can be socially engineered whether it’s your #people or your business partners including ancillary staff, so due diligence and corporate risk assessments along with mitigation protocols creates a template for efficiency, and resilience against multiple threats #Optimalrisktraining has the solution starting this August Level 4 Physical Penetration Testing (RQF) - Make the difference, carefully choose your staff and send them on the course and be proactive it’s far cheaper instead of reactive

Posted by martin1 at 2022-07-31 14:14:10 UTC