Hi all, I've held my CP licence for almost a year now. I have spent this last year trying to build up my network and experience. I currently work in security operations management in Northern Ireland. I had the opportunity to fly over to England in September - October and work alongside some great operators whilst doing RST work for the NFL. Since coming home I've been trying to figure out a way to move my family over to England so I can continue to gain more experience and grow in the security industry. I would really appreciate it if anyone on here would be willing to add me into any networking groups etc that will help me find some longer term security contracts so I can take that next step and move over to England full time. I will attach a link to my LinkedIn profile so you can see if you think the skills and experience I have would be able to assist anyone you may know that currently are looking for more security operators. Kind regards, Matt https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-peacock-523073202

Posted by Matthew Peacock at 2022-11-14 14:02:27 UTC