Oh god ive gone full circle to being a crow again.. Hello everyone, my names Sean aka Shelly. I served just under 6 years in an armoured infantry role however when I deployed on Herrick 15 we we’re light role. I was medically discharged late 2014 and it took a bit of time to reintegrate back into civdiv. I started working again properly after a run across the united states for a few months in 2018 and got my CP/FREC quals in 2019, my initial idea was do the highest level training I could get as more of a look at life than anything and just as a way into an entry level position. After a bit of time doing basic security work (mobile patrols, search teams, warehouses, building sites ect) I was starting to question my decisions on if I picked the right industry for a variety of reasons including the shockingly low standard of what was allegedly “my colleagues”. I was not expecting Jack Reacher or whatever but basic literacy, numeracy and not nicking half the kit on site would be a start ya know? A former mate from battalion was going to Ukraine earlier in the year, I decided to go with him and make sure he came back to his son. And I have to admit, I loved it. I actually felt content in my work again for the first time since leaving the forces. So here I am now and I am wanting to get a start in either domestic or hostile CP. Minus the recent trip to Donbas and Herrick back in the day I feel like I’m week 1 day 1 again so any sign postings, advice, networks would be hugely appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read and I’m looking forward to meeting everyone, Cheers gents, stay safe Shelly

Posted by s.mc.22 at 2022-12-01 22:40:56 UTC