Ahead of the Executive Security and Close Protection Technology Forum this week, I thought sharing some networking best practices would be a good idea. In-person networking is one of the most effective ways of improving your professional connections and expanding your network, all of which can improve your work prospects if done correctly. For those of you attending the event, here are some of my tips to help you get the most out of attending a networking event. Add your own tips below in the comments: 1. Do your research: Before attending any networking event, it’s important to research who will be attending and what type of topics will be discussed. This will help you better prepare for the event and know who to target during the event. 2. Business cards: Business cards are one of the most important parts of networking. You meet a lot of people in a short space of time so make sure to bring plenty of cards on the day. 3. Listen: Networking isn’t just about talking about yourself. It’s just as important to listen to what others have to say. Don’t be that person who turns up and preaches at everyone else. 4. Be confident: Confidence is key when networking. Show others that you know what you’re talking about and believe in your abilities. Don’t be cocky! 5. Follow up: Don’t forget to follow up after the event. This is a great way to solidify the connections you’ve made and open the door to possible work opportunities. Have a great event, and I look forward to seeing everyone who’s able to attend. #ESCPTF #Event #Networking #London

Posted by Jon (BBA Team) at 2023-01-24 11:56:56 UTC