I'm just sharing news of some outstanding work by one of our Corporate Partners @Tracy Webster Founder and Owner of PINNACLE RISK CONSULTANCY who. along with her team, will be braving the elements in the ‘Big Business Sleep Out’ Friday 24th March 2023 D Mill, Dean Clough, Halifax HX3 5AX On her behalf I am going to share the link to the Local Giving page https://localgiving.org/appeal/pinnaclesleepout/ HappyDays UK is a registered charity that operates supported accommodation for 103 residents throughout Calderdale and Kirklees, helping those who have been street homeless, are recovering from addictions, have poor mental health, or have been referred via probation services. What Is The Big Business Sleep Out? Sleeping outdoors for one night can’t replicate what it’s like to experience homelessness but we hope it will give all involved an appreciation of the challenges some people face on a daily basis and time to reflect on what it means to sleep rough. The sleep out will commence at 8pm, and after finding a place to bed down for the night, will finish at 7am the following morning. No tent required as we will be sleeping outdoors! All the best Tracy and team! This is a tremendous effort.

Posted by Annie (BBA team) at 2023-02-04 19:20:29 UTC