I followed a recent thread on LinkedIn which I found interesting. It was from an individual working in the industry who came from the military. It offered his viewpoint with some hard-hitting truths that may help those entering the sector. It’s an interesting read, I’ve included some of the comments from others within the bullet points also. · Don't believe the hype the military have given you, 90% of the industry is ex-military. Don't use this as an example of leadership, the soldiers under your command “had to” follow your orders it's not the same as you motivating them to “want to”. We have all had a platoon Sgt that you wouldn't follow to the scoff house. · Don't be a job snob, the good tasks in the industry are earned not given. No job is beneath you when you start this line of work. · Your rank got handed in when you de-kitted, your new Team Leader may well have been a Private when he left the military. · Adapt your CV. Every Ops manager or recruiter has had 2000 ex snipers/ recce platoon soldiers across his desk, make yours different. You aren't doing CTRs or Sniping on Park Lane, London. Make it relevant. · Every task is an interview for your next job. · Not everyone that comes with you can go on the same journey. Don't just vouch for your mate just because you shared a bed-space with Jonesy or Davva and he was sound. Your name, reputation and word is everything in this industry so protect it. · Have integrity in what you apply for. For example, because you did a recce patrol in 1997 and 3 days SV on your CP course doesn't mean you can complete a high level covert CP or SV task. · No, the principal isn't your friend, don't follow them on Instagram (yes this happens and other people in the industry have seen you do it). You are staff to them and you are very much replaceable the second the line is crossed. · Be realistic and don't believe every training provider when choosing your course. Like it or not, “it does” matter who you train with (you will be asked) and no you won't be on an A lister or a UHNWI PPO on 10k a month the week after you finish the course. · If you stay in the UK you will more than likely be on a static guard job in your car outside of a house that has been dressed up as an RST as a marketing tool for the job ad and to charge the client more. · In your 20s, 30s, it is VERY unlikely that you are a 'consultant' of anything...so it's best to avoid calling yourself one at this point. Be patient. · If a task involved stagging-on dressed head to toe in hi-vis PPE...avoid making it sound like you were the CAT element for Jack Bauer on your CV. There's nothing wrong with any job...until you exaggerate. · Don't bloat every job you've had - if you were a back-up driver who only did a couple of airport runs, that's fine...but don't spin it as being otherwise - not everybody can be the lead singer...somebody has to shake the tambourine... · If your 'TL' experience was being the person the Ops Manager phoned to ask how things were going, and there were only two of you...this isn't the same as running a ten-strong team plus drivers. · Sitting on a coach with a sports team...isn't really providing 'close protection' for them is it? Just how much 'CP' did you REALLY do at that one-day AGM? · As much as some DS who get tasked to stick with a celeb during a personal appearance have been known to start calling this 'CP' and blag their experience accordingly...how many 'CP' and 'RST' jobs are actually 'DS' and 'SG' in actual role? · Tell it like it is...it's far more impressive to hear the truth and not wade through a creative-writing essay that is painfully over-worked. · As has been said...don't be a job snob - but equally, don't be a bullshitter...if you're covering security positions at an event don't be that person that tells everyone who will listen, and those that don't want to, that you "normally do CP" as if the current role is somehow beneath you... · Above all, avoid any temptation to write a CV that impresses YOURSELF as the main objective - anybody who has been around knows what's what, and how to read between the lines...and trying to bluff excessively just sends a 'can't be trusted' message of sorts. · Write your CV to be interesting enough to impress someone who has been around the block...and who also has a 100 such CVs in front of him or her...and do this by being honest, not over-using some tactical thesaurus to dress EVERYTHING up... · Know that it is refreshing to read honesty and straight-talking...if you haven't done very much yet, it is more impressive to see this, and solid potential, than not having done much but exaggerating to make it seem as if you have. · Final point...make sure what it says on paper matches what is presented in person. It would be great to hear other people’s view. Do you agree with all of the points above, or do you have a differing view?

Posted by Shaun (BBA Team) at 2023-02-15 13:13:59 UTC