Hi my name is Andrew and I qualified as a CP last March and have held my CP licence since last July, I have come to this industry from the Hospitality Industry, so I am a rookie in relative terms. As a result I am making not only rookie mistakes but I am also finding out that some of the companies in the industry don't necessarily treat the people who work for them all that well. I am always open to feedback from fellow professionals about how I can improve on my weaknesses but also to improve on my strengths. I also have a level 3 qualification in Intelligence Analysis and Level 4 qualification in Intelligence Operations, as well as a level 2 qualification in Cyber Security Awareness. I have trained in Kickboxing to Black Belt level and Krav Maga to Level 2 Practitioner. I look forward to becoming a member of the BBA and networking with fellow security professionals on here and getting feedback as well as opportunities that are available out there. I also look forward to attending industry Expos and events.

Posted by andy-fellows at 2023-02-15 16:16:35 UTC