Do you Protect your Protectors? Do you take care of your own people? You've just received that call from a quite prominent client and they have requested one of "those" details...Many moving parts, and logistics that must be precise, and they only will settle for your best personnel. While all the non-personnel details are just a matter of scheduling, schmoozing, and arranging...Your best personnel are the biggest factor in this type of request that you completely control. Are they cared for? Have they been highly trained? Do they feel that you have their back when they wade deep into this complex detail and put their absolute best forward? Here is where you make or break this as owners, managers, or team leads. Our newest article addresses this often-overlooked aspect of true EP, and how it makes or breaks a winning team! Read the full article here 👉 #takingcareofbusiness #teambuilding #takingcareofyourpeople #loyalty #dedicatedteam #teamsupport #ExecutiveProtectionAgents #SecurityCompanyCare #AgentWellBeing #RetentionAndLoyalty #ReputationMatters #LegalEthicalStandards #PositiveOrganizationalCulture #EmployeeEngagement #WorkplaceWellness #ClientSatisfaction

Posted by LeMareschal at 2023-06-30 02:12:21 UTC