Hello Everyone, Hope you are all well. I'm posting asking the BBA community for advice on a matter that is highly frustrating for me and would like advice on the best course of action to resolve the issue. I have NTT'ed from the Army and in the last 4 months of my resettlement. I had an interview with a UK security company that operates overseas in Iraq. They have invited me to attend their HECPO course in Iraq and, if successful, offer me a suitable role if available. As I hold vetting with my current role, my Chain of Command has instructed me that I need to fill out a form under JSP440 and pass it to my Unit Security Officer. They denied my application, which I then appealed. My Commanding Officer then reviewed the application and denied the application on the grounds of Force Protection, higher chance of espionage. Now I have a few examples where my Bn has sent downgraded soldier to an active war zone but I'm fully medical fit to deploy and according to the British Government the war in Iraq ended 15th of December 2011. For those people who know on your Iraq Visa, it asked to state your occupation. Well, I haven't put down Soldier like my Bn think I would so not sure how I could be targeted for espionage. Are there other people on here who have experienced the same issues as me and have advice on this?

Posted by Curtis Bryan at 2023-07-11 19:31:01 UTC