Happy New Year to you all! Reflecting on 2020, I think it’s fair to say, it has largely been a year to forget for many us, but good things often come out of challenging situations. And certainly from our point of view, here at the BBA, the extraordinary circumstances we’ve faced this year has caused us to stop and review the structure of the membership and to consider ways we could better serve our members. Creating new and improved channels through which we could connect as a membership was high on the list. Nowhere is the importance of a network greater than in the security industry. As an association, not being able to attend or host events restricts our ability to connect with you, our valued members. So, it was a no-brainer to snatch the opportunity to partner with event organiser extraordinaire, Phelim Rowe, @Phelim (BBA Team) of CTGI and create our own BBA events wing. We have already hosted several virtual events but we’re planning much more for 2021. So, watch this space for announcements of upcoming events and workshops, you’ll find out about them here first! 2020 also saw the much-anticipated release of the app you’re all now using. BBA Connect will continue to develop and grow and we’ll be adding new resources and training to it regularly. If there is anything you’d like to see in the app then let us know. You can message us direct or leave a comment here. And finally, I want to finish with a special mention for you, our loyal members; were it not for you, none of this would be possible. You are what drives us to keep pushing for better and not resting on our laurels. In the 13 years we’ve been supporting you we’ve seen many other organisations and industry bodies spring up and then vanish. There is a reason the BBA is not only still here, but going from strength to strength, and that is 100% because of the fantastic members that fill our ranks. We salute each and every one of you and we’re so excited for what’s to come in 2021. All the very very from the whole team. @Jon (BBA Team) @Shaun (BBA Team) @Phelim (BBA Team) @Annie (BBA team) Shakila & Pete

Posted by Jon (BBA Team) at 2021-01-01 13:50:30 UTC