Hi all, before Monday is over I wanted to tell you about something new that we've done. @Shaun (BBA Team), @Phelim (BBA Team), @e.shaw, and I got together and have recorded a series of podcast episodes for the Circuit. The intention is to bring the pages of the magazine to life and to highlight some of the many superstars working in this industry or supporting it and us. If you want to hear more about why we're doing this now then listen to Episode 0, which is available right now in the app, where we discuss that very topic. This episode is a precursor for the main series which starts next week. Please let us know what you think. Let us know whether you like the format, what you'd like to hear us discuss, or who you'd like to hear us interview. Share all your thoughts with us, but please do remember, this is our first episode and the first time we've done this and, just like the actual magazine, I'm sure it'll keep improving over time. 🙏

Posted by Jon (BBA Team) at 2021-01-04 22:00:40 UTC