⭐️ Company Intro ⭐️ Please allow us to introduce Makira Security Ltd. Makira Security Ltd. is a provider of high-end security services, offering expert personnel and close protection to diverse range of clients, spanning a myriad of industries. Makira Security Ltd. also provides electronic security solutions, including temporary installations for events and temporary sites, ensuring comprehensive protection tailored to our clients' needs. Makira Security Ltd. is managed by Liam Stinchcombe , Company Director, who has over 15 years experience in the security sector. We will introduce you to Liam properly in the coming weeks. #security #securitycameras #security #securityservices #SecurityIndustry #SecuritySolutions #newadventure #newadventures #newadventures2024 #newadventuresbegin
Posted by Liam Stinchcombe at 2024-03-02 14:10:31 UTC