I want to say a big #WelcomeOnBoard to everyone who has joined the network this week. We’re delighted to have more and more new members using BBA Connect each week! BBA Connect is a community for you to connect with other BBA Members and Security Professionals to help and support each other in building a successful and prosperous career in the industry. We will be sharing some great content to get you involved and help you up-level your skills as protection specialists, so if you haven't done so already check out the dedicated Getting Started section to find out how to navigate within the app and never miss out on a thing! Let's say a big hello and welcome all our new community members, please introduce yourselves in a dedicated post and let us know a little about you and your industry experience and goals. @jhonatan @JoshMelville88 @Susana @dodd6011 @reenen @betts013 @paul.sia9 @robbo9518 @Lee01 @Ofis86 @jimmysmith210201 @gschoelles @leemharrison @Fernando Gaona @Meryl BLUEM (FR) @a.hendry428 @Slav @smaslowskipriv @abouchicar @chrisjbirt @richiewilliams1602 @colin.barclay @26rob3rts @ross.cooper07 @deloachprotection @Rob_W @Sean C @deletedmember @malyszsonia @Eifion @John @RobW @haval_gardi @Marcus @simonhalfpenny

Posted by Annie (BBA team) at 2021-01-21 16:55:10 UTC