Hello all I was first introduced to the BBA back in 2010 when edition 7 of The Circuit magazine was dropped into the Op’s room on an asset protection task I was working on with SW. After reading a very interesting article in the magazine about Mediterranean Bodyguards I got in touch with the person (JB) who had submitted it to introduce myself. After a couple of trips out to the Med to meet him he eventually took me on board for a CP task and after a successful contract with his company I have remained working in CP ever since. There have been many changes to the BBA since 2010 and with this exciting introduction of the BBA Connect app with its unique podcast features and industry related articles it’s a great platform for us all the stay current and more importantly stay connected. If I can give anybody a small piece of advice who is starting out in the industry or struggling to find long term employment it would be to not be a job snob! Take every opportunity you can and do your very best when on it. You’re only as good as your last day at work. Some of the most mundane tasks for me such as controlling access to Apple technicians trialling a new iPad led me onto a 3 month protection task in India. You are always being observed by the client, your colleagues and the security company so act accordingly. Conduct yourself professionally and take pride in your work, you never know who you will meet on each task, the circuit is so small and reputation counts for everything. If you can’t do the basics correctly why would somebody expect you to be trusted with one of their principals. If you don’t do this then people will not recommend you for new opportunities and doors will be closed to you rather than opened. That’s one of the great things about the CP licence, it will lead you onto so many different tasks which will give you a great insight and depth of knowledge in the security industry. From VIP CP, residential security, asset protection and event security to name a few. I look forward to using this new app and staying in touch with you all. Best regards PT

Posted by Paul at 2021-02-15 11:26:35 UTC