Welcome to the weekend, what're everyone's plans? 🤔 Okay, so, yet another week has passed, we're still in lockdown and it doesn't get easier to be enthusiastic. But, remember what Peter Moore told us on Thursday during the #InspiringIndividuals event... 'Don't waste the opportunities that you have right now, you won't know when you'll look back on this time and regret the things you didn't do.' I think that is excellent advice from someone well placed to give it and something I was very happy to be reminded of. Okay, so now that we've all given ourselves a kick up the backside and recalibrated our compass needles, what's everyone up to? @Shaun (BBA Team) @e.shaw @Phelim (BBA Team) do you want to start us off and share your weekend plans?

Posted by Jon (BBA Team) at 2021-03-06 11:51:21 UTC