I wanted to share an example of bad networking that I have seen given the theme of today's podcast interview with Craig McKim on best practice. Key Takeaway: Don't Wait! I was running an event in Nigeria on the topic of military armoured vehicles. A French manufacturer had an exhibition stand and I knew they wanted to meet Francophone countries. Early on the first morning a great person with real buying power came to the exhibition, the guy on the stand didn't want to be introduced because it was too early in the day. Then another great francophone prospect came in... No, this time they wanted their boss to be on the stand before an introduction. This repeated until the late afternoon. The boss got to the event nearly at the end and was like, so.. Who did you meet. The guy sheepishly said, oh, I was waiting for you.....

Posted by Phelim (BBA Team) at 2021-03-10 23:33:11 UTC