As a protection specialist, do you need to understand the technical threat posed to your client by an increasingly connected world? Does this fall within your lane or is it someone else’s responsibility? That's the theme for this weeks' podcast and we're joined by Christian West to debate this emerging area of challenge and opportunity for protection specialists. In the show, we’ll be covering: - What do the uninitiated need to know about the T-EPO role and how can we work smarter? - How do we overcome the inherent resistance to technology and ensure that we bring the rest of the industry along on the ride? - What threat vectors have emerged with UHNW’s working from home and how can tech help to overcome that? - Given the speed of development in the tech sector, where are we going to be in 5 years’ time and how can we prepare?
Posted by BBA Connect at 2021-03-31 13:45:32 UTC