2nd Passport Application This has been mentioned within the body of a separate thread however I thought a dedicated post with regards to obtaining a 2nd passport would be helpful to those starting out in the industry. I would highly recommended those starting out in the sector to obtain a second passport. As a CPO you will be expected to carry out a lot of travel and a second passport brings with it many benefits. - It assists by allowing travel whilst applying for a visa at the same time. - It serves as an emergency backup should you misplace one. - It will allow you to gain entry to incompatible countries (ie - a country that has political differences with a country you may have visited in the past). A second passport can be applied for by putting in a new passport application with a letter of explanation of why one is required, please feel free to use template text below - “Dear Sir/Madam Mr John Smith is a Provider of Global Security Services. He is often required to submit passports often at short notice in order to obtain entry visas for work/travel related purposes. Therefore I respectfully request that a second passport be granted to John Smith in order for him to carry out his employment and to facilitate travel whilst other visas are being applied for. Best Regards” I have also attached a helpful link below. If you have dual nationality and two passports from different countries this brings even further benefits. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/additional-passports

Posted by Shaun (BBA Team) at 2021-04-09 14:38:04 UTC