Meanwhile, here on Chaos Island, aka ‘Hong Kong’… You might have seen a couple of Newsworthy Events recently. You may be expecting something humorous, but This is Far from it. The first one being the ‘apparently random’ Stabbing of a Police Officer in Causeway Bay by an individual. (Which resulted in him killing himself). The second one being the discovery of another Bomb Factory in Tsim Sha Tsui. I don’t know about You but, bloody Hell that has ‘put me back on my toes!’, to say the Least! We kind of got used to identifying when and where Riots and associated behaviour would be happening in 2019 (and ongoing)? Bit this, This is different. This is Random. Here in Hong Kong, The Circuit is getting back to a Semblance of Normalcy and we are Loving that! Larger Scale Events with Hundreds of Fans in notable venues, such as major Shopping Malls and the Connecting Transport Systems. This is Exactly what these peeps were targeting. Allegedly! With all this in mind? There is no Womder that I am ‘a little bit alert now’? Oh. My Second Jab (Biontech)? Nothing. Just do it…

Posted by rick.smithhk at 2021-07-07 16:58:13 UTC